Návod/rady ke spuštění

It's a neural network, it doesn't inject into the game at all and only analyses what's happening on the screen to move your mouse for aim. The better your video card is, the more stable this mod will be! After launching the mod's loader you need to select the game in the "Model Selector" tab. Next, download the model in "Downloadable models" and activate it in the "Local Models" section. Pay attention, this mod is extremely difficult to set up, it took me 30 minutes to set up this mod for CS2 and about 20 for Apex. I recommend using aim only on button press, so that it does not lower your FPS. Don't use "Enable predictions" as it has a bad effect on the aim. If the mod starts aiming not at players, but at some objects, adjust the "Confidence" option in the "Settings" tab. If the aiming is close to the enemy, but not on right at him, change "Mouse Sensitivity" under your mouse in the aim settings!

Populární funkce v tomto módu

Aimbot - automaticky umisťuje váš zaměřovač na nepřátele


Triggerbot - automatická střelba, pokud je zaměřovač umístěn na nepříteli

Mohu nainstalovat konfigurace a LUA a kam je mám umístit?

Cesta instalace konfigurací: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Aimmy\bin. Pro instalaci předpřipravených konfigurací a lua skriptů pro modifikaci můžete kliknout na tlačítko ozubeného kola, které se nachází vedle tlačítka pro spuštění modifikace.

Stáhnout CFG
nAimmy - Neuronet for CS2, Apex, CS1.6 and other games (Aimbot + Triggerbot) nAimmy - Neuronet for CS2, Apex, CS1.6 and other games (Aimbot + Triggerbot) nAimmy - Neuronet for CS2, Apex, CS1.6 and other games (Aimbot + Triggerbot)